Sunday, June 30, 2013

About bullying

Hey guys. So today I'd like to talk to you guys about bullying. Now, there are 4 types of bullying physical, verbal, mental, cyber. Those are 4 types of bullying. The worst bullying is cyber bullying, cyber bullying happens a lot over the internet. Wether its texting, messaging, posting,or posting photos it's all cyber bullying.

What makes a someone become a bully?
A person can become a bullying feelings and actions. It may be something the happened throughout their life though, a bully doesn't care about feelings. Sometimes a bully can just be jealous of what you have and that bully doesn't have

How does bullying make YOU feel?
To me, bullying is mean. It makes me feel left out when someone bullies me. I feel that everyone is against me and who i am. People feel different about bullying. Sometimes, some people feel happy because that bully is just embarrassing them in front of an internet, public place, or to the entire world news.

How to make a bully weaker?
Bullies won't ever stop. To stop a bully, don't react to what they do or say. (EX. Like just say "OK" after everything they say" but the BEST way to stop a bully is tell an adult, guardian, or even a teacher. About a week ago --AeRO-- was bullying me by saying get out of the chat etc. and I'm and that just made him weaker to stop bullying. See...i so good ;D

How bullying can effect you and that bully's life forever?
You may think a bully problem will pass away but the truth is, it never goes away. You think about what bullying problem was in the morning and every day. It's always best to talk your parents about it though. So think twice before you bully someone, it can effect your life forever.

Difference between opinions and bullying? (Tiks problem)
So those is a problem tik is having though and its bad. An opinion to tiks colors would be they look like wheat green or throwup. But calling names like Peter Pan, Booger, Vomit, Pooh, Green Monster, isn't opinions,its BULLYING. You never know what you say can hurt someone. Don't make fun of people just because of what they have. Its not nice to judge someone of their colors. Tik is very original,it make look like throw-up to me,but its a very original olive color that no woozens use. STOP BULLYING TIK OF HER COLORS PLEASE

So that's a little about bullying guys. Don't bully someone. If you bully so everyone,your just jealous of what they are and who they are. Anyways, that's all for now! Adios! :

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