3) Mermaid an Mer-Man Lagoon (humans come) By: ComeGetMe1
I think its pretty fun. Not the funnest you can get bored. Not EVERYONE talks we just stand their (spent 10 mins there an it wasn't the funnest)
2) Mermaid's Island By: LolaLolzLove
I really enjoy this one (I went their yesterday) its not quite the 'best' tho. It has an amazing quality because the Woozens who can't afford the Mermaid Suit Now can be mermaids!! So its a great quality but the humans 'cool kids' pretty much ruin it when they come in an just ruin people's roleplays C:
1) Mermaid Beach (no pirates) By: justin1-1
Noo I cut out mah face!! </3
I don't know if the owner is a girl.... or a boy :I >>>
I hope you enjoyed this an decided to become a Mermaid or Merman! Thank You For Viewing. I'm just really grateful on how much people are attractive to my posts! Thank you SO Much This Is Mona Byee -Mona
Hehe my signature ... SWAG!! >>>>
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