Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mods Here, Mods There, Mods Everywhere!

Hello again my loves! It's Cherry, comin' at you with fancy new long nails that make it hard to type with. Today I'm going to talk to you about something that I've spoken about before. Except this time, its on an even greater scale. I was at a unit yesterday that was at top of hot now and the owner of said unit was interviewing woozens. Anyways, a woozen there was (most likely joking) asking the woozens being interviewed personal questions such as "age and where do you live." This is was happened:

Mama Mod shows up! Mod131 to be specific. Take a look at what she warns us of:

 (Here, she's talking about getting a sanction for sharing and asking for personal information)
 (Notice how polite she's being)

Wow! Of course, we were totally safe and no one did give out person information, but it's nice to know that Mama Mod was on top of it. Only minutes later, I check my woozin to find this:

I'm assuming that she's getting after the woozens at a kissing game for doing well... what she's talking about! I don't know about you, but it looks to me like mods are doing a better job of keeping track of us woozens. Unfortunately, a long fight broke out between woozens in quests about politics, and there wasn't a single mod in sight. Sad, but true. Mods need to be MORE on top of it, it seems. At least they are making improvements. Not to mention, the updated Code of Conduct that Sarah spoke about below. What do you think about all this?

Have a wonderful day loves!
Cherry xx