Monday, December 3, 2012

Demi's Saying + A Tip

Hey guys!!! ;D Its demi here.... I want to tell you guys something...
Well, since its another "demi" in the gang I will do my initials To: $Demi$ or either xXDemiXx. ;D

Tip #1
If you're A boy and you are dating a Girl on woozworld... Don't just call then beautiful... Say it like you MEAN it. Say it like you really care. Like you could say "You're beatiful inside and out" atleast say that... Also you don't have to even say anything just SHOW IT , SHOW YOU CARE SHOW YOU LOVE THEM!!! You can say words but guess what those are just freaking words XD Not actions. If you love them, SHOW IT. If you're going to be truthful with them SHOW IT. Some guys just don't get the point that words just from ur mouth is like me giving u dirt and ur supposed to eat it... You're actions make you feel... If I Care for you, then you can feel the love that the boy is giving you! 

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