Monday, December 10, 2012

Woozworld Music Video - Tips + Instructions to download

Bonjour my friends! Well I do A LOT of music videos and I know that some people don't know how to make Music Videos so today I am going to tell you how to make a music video and then tell you how to make your music video really nice and cool!

Instructions to making -

1 - Figure out a song to use.

2 - Make outfits and get people to be in the music video.

3 - Download the song you want to use.

4 - Take pictures on woozworld or print screen and crop (I use Woozworld).

5 - Go onto Windows Movie Maker.

6 - Do a picture one by one and listen to the music carefully so you know when the picture is going to come in. To do that click on edit (once downloaded the picture), then you see duration, change the time where it should say 7.00 and listen again and change to how ever many seconds they are.

7 - Add effects (only a few).

8 - Save movie. To make it download to Youtube you have to click on the little piece of paper in the corner, then scroll over save movie. Then click recommended for this project. Then at the end of your music video's name put, eg - Cats go wild.wlmp 

9 - Go onto youtube and upload!

Okai so I hope those have helped you if you didn't understand how to upload. Now for the tips!

1 - Dont add loads of effects on every slide because it just won't look nice and I personally don't like adding LOADS of effects!!

2 - Try and make it unique, so choose a song you don't think many people have done (New release).

3 - Make the text easy to read. If it isn't easy to read then your video will just get dislikes :(

I hope this isn't too long and I didn't bore you SOO much but yeah!



  1. Where do you download the music ?

    1. Yea where to download the music.... Add me: Angelpopstars

    2. yea u are right
