Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New blogger!

Hey editioners! I am Aspenia, your new blogger :).

A bit about me:
  • I'm 16, I will be seventeen as of January 12th! Woot!
  • I dance, swim, do photography, edit photos, play many sports, play video games, etc.
  • I can be really lazy
  • I love to sleep
  • I have a little girl chihuahua named Glamzy (cuz she's so glamorous.. xD)
  • I'm Italian
  • I'm vegetarian! Yeeaaahhh buddy!
  • I absolutely LOVE music. Without music... I would like... DIE! C:
So I took some first pictures of myself for 2013 today and edited them.. Here's what I look like:
How did the edit turn out? Not too shabby? Feel free to comment and let me know. Anyway, I will be bringing to you blogs about woozworld related photo edits that I make. Here are some examples of my work:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them through a comment on this post and I will gladly answer it :). Look out for my post tomorrow!

My time is up and I thank you for yours,
Aspenia (The Sweetheart)

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