Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Sunday Woozens

 Good morning woozens and i'm going to give a quick update on whats going on in woozworld, yesterday there were alot of unitz for that swag vs lat thingy and i have to say i'm on swag's side, but lat is acting pretty mature about it, he's ignoring swag and his people and just trying to enjoy wzw life, and this morning at around 6 a.m WT there was a person who claimed be be Dena-Deca the unstoppable hacker that hacked woozworld, he said he was giving away free deadmau's and gift genorators,but he was only doing the events for votes and sure enough he got votes from like 40 people, but i knew it was fake because first of all on Dena-Deca's facebook page he said woozworld patched the deadmau and gift generator hack so he cant do it, but he'll find a way. Also news just in, deadmau,clothing,heads..they are not transferable or trade able but if someone had a deadmau in manni before woozworld made the change then u can still find one but it would be rare to find. So if someone says i trade deadmau hair or whatever don't do it cuz it's a scam and its fake. i dont have any pics to show cuz i fell asleep yesterday night even though i told myself i wouldnt >:(  Thats It For Now!

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