Friday, March 29, 2013

INTERVIEW WITH osnapitzlollie! ;)

hello woozens its me again, laura!and today i got a interview with a blogger of woozworld craze and a video person who makes music video in a simple way!thats is.........

osnapitzlollie! lets start!!!

1.what do you feel when you join woozworld craze? 

osnapitzlollie: i feel shocked :o 

2.oh wow,what do you feel when the woozens out there liking your videos? 

osnapitzlollie: i will be great full x) 

3. who is your favourite blogger at woozworld craze,and why? 

osnapitzlollie;ems37,because she inspire me with her post. x) 

4.well if you have a famous blog and woozens like it,will you be proud? 

osnapitzlollie:its not my blog xD 

so thats all woozens! bye bye for now!and remember my contest! LOGO CONTEST! 


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