Monday, April 1, 2013

Fashion post :)

Hey headliners!,

I got many Emails that: "they wanna join" 
but....I found...the 2 amazing...picture models,
here they are:-

Well...this one is mine..i Personalliy think its cxxie good for spring :)
( 9.5/10)

another one of me :) its also great for fall and spring! :)

next...the best ones yet..!

this is harmony-jilly's outfit....i personally love...the style..and texture....i'm speachless :)

this is are very own....MerliahxD
i love this outfit....i mean...look at the colors...and there is no difference in the colors..i mean this is very incridble..its great for school! right?
(10/10) (you go girl!)

last but not least...this is the randomly picked person!
she is..

our very own....girly234evi!..
i luv her outfit..
its perfect..
she is crazy for neon purple..
i love the way she has like...the outlining is white....while she has made her yeti boots
anyways, i love her style....and...being randomly picked is a pretty big deal!
good job :)

well...that was all headliners!
good job girls! ^.^
i need models for tomorrow stay tunned ..
heres my email..
email me ur pic :)
make sure the topic is "picture for headline"
                                                                                  xoxo Mal

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