Monday, April 8, 2013

Fortune Teller/Birthday

Hey guys so today I wanted to show you guys a picture I found on woozworld, it wasn't edited or was on woozworld.. Honestly I was shocked when I saw It I didn't even know u could say those kind of words. But it was still funny :D sadly too all you dirty minded Woozens, you can't really say these words :P I bet u guys are wondering "WTF is she talking about"'we'll I'm getting there. Ok here it is 
 This came out suckish since I'm blogging from my. iPod. Last and least..... My birthday is tomorrow :D yup April 9th. I'm soo excited, I would throw a huge woozworld birthday bash but I'm seriously too lazy too :)  that's all I have for today, I wasn't really on woozworld today that much due to me packing up my stuff since I'm moving so I couldn't really get any juicy stories. 

Till Next Time,

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