Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How to be in a realationship

Hey guys! Its icey here! So i've seen some of you guys need love advice. Yes love is such a beautiful thing. But sadly, im single. Im single and im proud to be single. Lol. So anyways,

  • Try to be yourself around him/her. No matter what, just be yourself. Dont try to be someone your not which means lying. They wont like it and wont go out with you. For example, if a guy asks me if im junky, ill say yes no matter what. Lol. Im junky but not fat. XD just be who you are no matter what
  • Dont wait for them to make the first move, YOU make the first move. If you just stand there waiting for like 50 years for him to ask you out, it's never gonna happen. YOU have to make the move. Don't be a wimp and just make the move no matter what happens. I'd make the move on my crush (i actually do like someone) but someday, its gonna be me making the first move.
  • Try to joke around sometimes with him/her. Jokes are one that one likes. If you can make super funny jokes, you might win him/her over quickly. But please dont make wrong jokes and i gope you know what i am. Try to make appropiate jokes please. 
  • TOP RULE- never use the word "like". To be honest, if you use the word like so much, they'll stop liking you. Heres an example: i was in the park like getting like um some like wood for like a sale that like um my mom is like doing.
  • For GUYS- try to take her out on a romantic date. Girls love romance and maybe try like creating a pini romance park for the two of you to show how much you truely love her. Dont be talking sbout video games and boy stuff. Stay on topic and dont talk to much girly stuff like barbie dolls. Lol. Stay in a medium level i might say.
  • Dont let stuff come between you to's realationship.  If you have friends who like your boyfriend, dont go spending to mcuh time with him i guess. Try to make the right choice that your heart is telling you to. For example, if my bestie likes my boyfriend, i might have to leave my boyfriend though.
  • Dont just dump him/her for cxxier guys/girls. Love like is like socks being dumped by on another and one picks up a new sock. If you see a reslly cxxy girl/guy (perfect example is meh JK ROTFLMAO) dont just dumpy your girlfriend/boyfriend you have now for them. Life is a one chance only and you have only one chance to make it perfect.
Yeah, imactually do have a crush but i do wanna be single at the same time too. Some guy like a week ago said: "i dont like you but are you single" then i said yes im single and he said "if i went out with you, i would barf on you". So that made me think he likes me =.= but c'mon guys, like i said, dont look forward for love in my life lol. :) anyways, bye bye guys!

-lcerenl, stealing your donuts and all the donuts in the world! :o

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