Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All About me / contest

Hello Headliners i am going to tell you all about me not all most though.
LIKE-.I like ................. Bananas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^ !!!!!!!!!!
FAV COLOR- yellow
FAV COLORS-  yellow black and white and neon green
Fav Animal- penguins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY Style - I don't wanna wear a dress ever if its prom o.o........................!
i kinda like pink not that much :/ 
i am gonna tell my age of i can , later
my hair color is brown. my real hair color is blond ^.^ 
i like cupcakes!!!...... .-.
i like oreos!!
Well thats all i am going to tell for now.
oh i more edits for i contest remember the sign off contest ... i have one more entiry here
yea i know i am awesome ^.^ 

her name is techgirlmath23 in Woozworld
some how she found or i was her friends o.o
so still need more posts! i need tree more! XD


1 comment:

  1. So you wonder how i find you first of all i check in the box list then i thought i had a friend who in this blog so i always find you name for contests
