Saturday, August 9, 2014

Second post since made trial member Fashion Rant

Hi everyone it's your pal lilyunstarW and today i am going to talk to you you about a VERY important matter HAVE YOU SEEN THE "NEW" COLLECTION! talk about BORING. Woozens like me try to wear a have a different collection in our inventory each time a new collection comes out but every time THIS happens it makes me so MAD! I think to myself "OOH a new collection lets see wha-. Those IDIOTS recycling an old concept this is MADNESS" and there i sit staring blankly at a screen tears welling in my eyes and streaming down my face thinking to my self some word I cannot say on this blog some of you may think so what lily your being a DRAMA LLAMA and I say to you DON'T JUDGE ME! So I am going to tell you the item that i lilyunstarW has 
      First and most likely the only item I own (Zinniastar in the comments correct me if I'm wrong) is............a dress with............. A messenger bag thingy and Zebra stripes! I hope you know what I am talking about because I can't add a picture because I am blogging on my iPad so sorry no pictures (if this rant offended anyone I am truly sorry no intensions to hurt others feelings)

                         Yours truly: LilyunstarW 


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