Monday, November 3, 2014

Who that?!?! / 1BannedChick00

   It's your new blogger ON TRIAL glitttergirll  and I will be the person to give you the info, drama, and woozworld news. If you have any question to ask me just message me on Woozworld. Btw I love taking selfies. Random I know, but im gonna tell you a little about my self before i give you the drama.
Wzw User: glitttergirll
How long have i played : 3 years quited for 1 and a half
favorite color : Purple, Lilac
favorite food  : chicken
favorite song : Tink - Background music
Wzw Relationship : single
     Ok, time for the drama. So, on Saturday 1SwaggerChick00 made a unitz trying to get her account back
that was banned 2 years ago, for 2 years :P. As she said she was trying to log in it still wasn't working saying 1 hour of suspension every time. There was also a little fued with the woozens some saying :
''Woozworld should not be your life its just a game''
"Some of us have memories on this game,and been here since the start,"said Swagger.
"People have worked hard to develop there woozens i don't think this is fair."

Also 1SwaggerChick posted statement on her woozen saying:
"Dear Old Wooz World...So Much Has Changed, Nothing's The Same....This Is No Longer Wooz World..It's Beex World...The Company Thrilled With Millions Of Dollars Long Ago...Inviting All It Wanted...Till The Money Vanished...And We Now Pay The Price Of Buying Wooz Instead To Earn...The Hope Hasn't Gone..Deep In All Of Us..We Want The Past. Love, One Swagger Chick. PS. Fighting For You Old Wooz World."

Is this true? Do you agree?
Comment below what you think!

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