Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Trial Blogger!

Hey peeps! :3
WoozWorld Headline is a blog which increases rapidly, as does WoozWorld itself.
It is so that they who made it look out for helpers, just like me, who will contribute to hopefully better articles. But, not everyone can be trusted so the Trial Blogger thing started here.

After you apply to become a Blogger, WoozWorld Headline will give you a chance to introduce yourself to you, our loyal readers. Then, after tough considering they decide whether you're good enough to get out of the "Trial System".
Well, so now that I explained what this whole thing was, I want to introduce myself to you.
My name is Rafail and I have been a woozen for years. I have pretty much experienced everything good and bad in the game. And believe me, the bad things are not good at all. Getting scammed, hacked and even bullied does not leave you with a very nice feeling.
I went through all of it, so you don't have to! :-)
Anyway, my woozen name is jorggosss, and if you want to, feel free to add me for extra support, even though if I get the Blogger Position i'll make sure you'll get enough of it.

So now that all of these serious stuff is finished.
Here's a few random facts about me: (since most Trial Bloggers do this) 

  • Favourite Colour: Blue
  • Favourite TV show: Family Guy! 
  • Hobby: Skating
  • Favourite Food: Cadbury Chocolate ^-^
  • Genre of Music: Generally Pop but different kinds sometimes too 
Right, so enough about me now :P
If I get choosen you can expect the best out of me, which would definitely help you out on WoozWorld.

Thanks for reading! C: 

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