Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The "Military"

Things you need to know about the so called "Military" In Woozworld.

Hey everyone, so you all know about the "Woozworld Military" Right? It's being run by 1Swaggerchick00 and TheMostSwagg-yo

Now for those who are unsure of what it is exactly, the main idea, is that these two "famous" woozens, are waging a "war" on woozworld corporation.

I have a few notes.

First of all, they claim what woozworld doesn't listen, and what woozworld is unjust, and that the woozband is all played by one person, and blah blah blaaah.

Now first of all, Woozworld tries to listen, but there is only so much that they can do. I mean, they have a business to run, they can't bend over backwards for a bunch of children who are upset because aren't getting their own way.

Next, have you ever seen some of their videos used for "evidence" because woozworld is supposedly "racist" or "Unfair"?


Every single one of those videos are edited. All of them are edited to tell ONE SIDE of the story. And make it look as though it were something that it wasn't. For example, I was once at Jay's VIP rap event, and of course, TheMostSwagg-yo showed up to it.

He began to insult Jay, and Jay took it. He did, he let himself get trashed, just ignored it. It was not until the TheMostSwagg-yo began to insult/upset others in the unit that he was kicked. And I am SURE that it is the same case with every other event he shows himself getting kicked out of.

And Need I even mention the fact that he has his friends dress up as woozband members and say things as the woozband member then edits the chat bubbles so that it looks as though the woozband members say them?

As for their "information" about Woozworld, where are they getting this information? They never do tell where it is all coming from. It could all be made up for all we know. Made up to brainwash woozens so that they will listen to these two "rebel" woozens who are trying to get mods fired and take over the Woozworld business.

And yes, they are trying to get MOD's fired. I do NOT know why they are trying to do that, but here is MY opinion on that.
Think about it, when you are at one of their events, listening, and cheering these two on. What you are supporting is destroying the lives of innocent employees just trying to do their jobs.

"But Emm, how are we doing that?" 

Good question.

These Mods, the woozband, everyone who runs woozworld, works for Woozworld. Correct? As in, they are adults, who are paid to run the game for us. This is how they make their livings, how they buy food, pay the rent/utilities and whatever else.

Some of them probably even have families I'm sure.

So by trying to get them fired, you are saying "Hey, I know to ME this is just a game, and I could quit whenever I want, and I know that for you this is your life, but I don't care, I'm a spoiled child and therefor have no problem taking the food off of the table for you and your family"

Think about that. It's pretty harsh. And Many of you probably didn't even THINK about that. However that is exactly where my mind went the very SECOND I saw what TheMostSwagg-yo and 1Swaggerchick00 were tying to do. Seriously, how much an asshole do you have to be to try and destroy someones career and life over a FREAKING GAME! 

Now, addressing the "Woozband is all the same person" Crap. I just really don't care. Why does it matter if the Woozband is all the same person? It's a game, that person has a job, and it's not even a FACT that they are the same person, it's just a rumor. Doesn't matter, at all, everyone needs to stop getting so worked up over it.

And the last piece I will address right now, is the "Outrageous prices".

Now I wont even deny the fact that the prices for things in store are crazyness. Like $5.00 for 1,000 wooz? Yah, no, fuck that. Sorry, but no. With that price, you'd do better to spring for the $10.00 outfit packs that give you 2 outfits and 1,000 wooz.

But what does 1,000 wooz buy? Hardly anything! That's just too much, I agree. However, Woozworld is going broke, so maybe if more people buy shit, then they prices will go down again or something, however people wont buy anything because the prices are too high, so it's kind of a cycle there. Oh well.

Until Next Time,

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