Friday, August 15, 2014



Well, as you see, one of wooz world's beloved "Leaders" took a hacked item, and got caught. If you don't know who I am talking about, it was 1SwagerChick00

Apparently what happened, is that lately there have been Hackers on wooz world every night, making big eventz, and advertising free this or cheap that. All the items are hacked of course, and I admit it, while I don't support hackers, every now and then there is a deal that is just to precious to pass up, so yes, I have gotten hacked items, but I am not alone cause everyone's done it at some point, so don't even go noble on me. 

Anyway, tonight is 8/14/2014, and there was one hacker, selling T-shirts that were advertised to make you invisible...the hacker however, "forgot" to mention that you would not be able to take off the shirt, making you stuck invisible. It was not long before woozens realized this, and began posting about it, warning other woozens, not to take the shirt. Of course however, not to many woozens listened,  so they kept buying the shirts, then putting them on, making more and more woozens get trapped in invisibility.
One of those unlucky woozens, was 1SwaggerChick00, who certainly had a fit when she "found out" that these items were hacked. (*cough cough * she already knew *cough*) 
Apparently 1SwaggerChick00 did not do her research on these items, and is now stuck invisible, and well, here is a story covered by Cerebralpisces

Youtube Chanel: Cerebral Pisces 

Woozen: Cerebralpisces

Well, as you can see, there goes 1SwaggerChick00, trying to fool everyone again with her fake innocence. In my personal opinion, I don't think most of the things 1SwaggerChick00 says are true. She says she supports "equality" of VIP to non-VIP woozens, and does not show she is a VIP, I think that's a load of baloney. I have no proof of that of course, it's just my opinion, so you think what you will, but she also claims she will change wooz world, and does not support hacking or bullying...and yet, there is photo evidence of her wonder girls bullying woozens in public, as well as the fact that she has just been caught purchasing and using a hacked item. I think what she does is for fame, as she has often gotten into nasty arguments with other famous woozens, not only that, but the idea that she sets up unitz, hating on the other party, and just causing drama, and in turn, making her more famous. 
Does that REALLY sound like someone who is being completely honest? 
I just question her credibility, but as I said, it is my own opinion. 

Soon after 1SwaggerChick00's incident, she set up a unitz labeled "It Isn't Funny"
Well, there were warnings all over wooz world saying not to put it on, 1SwaggerChcik00 did not listen, so the second I saw that unitz I laughed and laughed and laughed. Because, yesSwaggy, your right, it is not funny. It's HILARIOUS.
Though now I have to wonder, how do MOD's plan to clean up THIS mess?

Until Next Time, 


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