Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The woozen named SpreadBullying

Hey y'all. So this topic has been brought up many times already but I really want to speak my opinion about it: Bullying. 

Today on the WoozIn, I saw someone post on this woozen's wall.
This woozen's username is pretty self explanatory. She's basically saying that instead of trying to prevent bullying, we should spread it. She's obviously doing it for attention, but I think this is crossing the line. 

She's telling everyone it's okay to hurt others physically and mentally just for attention. I think that's very low of her to do.

Of course on her wallz many woozen's wrote things like 'What's wrong with you?' or 'Don't bully!' and finally 'Attention Wh*re'

It aggravates me when someone posts on a woozen who is seeking attention calling them an attention 'wh*re'. That's a bit rash. Don't post on a woozen's wall, saying bullying is bad but then proceed to call them mean names.

That's all I have to say for now. Have a fantabulous day!

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