Thursday, June 30, 2016

Heads Up!

                                            Heads Up!

Stuff has been happening lately including mods acting on Woozens using bad language and being mean to one another. I know there is post about not to bully but I want to go into full detail what I have saw or experience and how to fix it straight away.

Bullying has been apart of life for many people but cyber bullying has also effected us in major ways. First of all, don't answer back anything mean or you will be just as guilty as the bully. I have had this happen and I responded mean words to the bully and got the same level and punishment as them. There are many ways to defend yourself but you need to ask them to stop and be kind about it.

Do not discriminate on the color of woozens skin or the kind of style they have. Everyone has a personal style and if you have anything negative to say keep it to yourself. Every woozen is different and the harsh words you say could effect someones thought about them selves. 

                                                          SCENERIO 1:
As you see in the photo, there are 2 woozen on each side of the middle woozen. They both have different styles. Now lets say one of them said something bad about the others style, Well what should YOU (the middle woozen) do?

1.) Don't say anything and leave them be.
2.) Take a side and be mean.
3.) Step in and stop the fighting and try to resolve it,
4.) Grab a crowd of people and make the problem bigger.

                             If you picked 1,2 or 4 then you are WRONG:
     Doing anything of those three will resolve in making the problem bigger or even worse get a mod involved. So whats the right answer?
                               If you picked 3 then you are CORRECT:
                 Doing this will help resolve the situation in a calmer way.

Do not make the situation worse. Your goal is to help the woozens out and never take sides.
I have been a woozworld user for five years. In my experience, I have saw a lot of fights. I have saw mods and have even saw people get kicked out of unitz cause of fighting. There is a human behind every woozen and that person has feelings. Saying something behind a computer screen doesn't mean it wont effect someone. The world now adays have increased with technology and ways to respond to people and communicate, There are even more bullys. 

                                                Now what? 
I want to make a DIFFERENCE in woozworld. I want bullying to stop and have a great community of people who care for one another, I want to spread the word about bullying and stop it. People have feelings and just think. They are human too. What would you do if that happened to you?

Make sure your friends are friends. Never let anyone take you for granted. You are worth it hunny. <3

Comment what you would do to help stop bullying.
My Gmail is if you need someone to talk to.

Stay Sweet xox
Sarah <3