Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Blogger

Hi everyone! My name is cherrybob2000 and I'm a new trial blogger! I'm really excited to start blogging. I plan on blogging mainly about woozworld news and what's going on with the woozens of woozworld. Also, I want to focus on advice as well. The kind of personal advice to help woozens with personal and social issues that they may be dealing with in woozworld. I'm going to try my best to stay positive for everyone and everything. Here's 10 interesting things about me that will help you get to know me:

1. I've played on woozworld for 5 years.
2. I've had quite a bit of experience with blogging as well as creating blogs.
3. I'm not that great at making edits, so I generally make really simple ones.
4. I was a wonder girl a few years ago and I met most of my friends through wonder girls.
5. I like playing the arcadz in woozin, and my high score for pomme pomme is 909,300.
6. I'm a Scorpio and have an interest in zodiac posts so I tend to stalk a lot of zodiac posting woozens xD.
7. I won the title Dyztopian Dramatizt for winning a writing contest during the Dyztopian event.
8. I  like to laugh and make others laugh as well.
9. I enjoy helping other woozens and spending time with my woozworld friends.
10. I love elegant colors.
That's it for today! I look forward to future blogs and where ever this blog may take me!

Have a wonderful day loves<3
Cherry xx