Monday, August 25, 2014



Okay, recently a new trend of scammers has been settling itself into woozworld, right in the source where Woozens are supposed to find fun. The Games. 
This was brought to my attention by the wooz world secretz photographer, lily783m, who was at one of these "Scam Games" as I would like to call them. 

What happens at these games is that the owner will set up a very nice prize, and offer it to the winner. However, after it gets down to actually giving the prize away, and after the owner has collected plenty of beex or rich items in trade, they will suddenly go "offline" causing the winner to not receive the prize. It seems as though these Game Scams can happen at really any game that involves a prize, such as top model, revenge, theme games, running games, any of them really, making any game master a possible scammer. Now not all Game masters do this, but it seems that many do, as I have seen it before as well, just never really thought about it as I do not spend much time in games anyway. Now that it has been pointed out to me, I am surprised I did not recognize it before, it's right out there! 

And yet, no one seems to say much about these types of scammers, maybe people have simply not connected it, as it did take me some time to get it as well. Either way, there is some information on it for you, so now you just know to watch out for it. I have also constructed a little bit of tips on how to avoid losing your rich items or spend a lot of beex on these scams. 

  1. Look at the owner, how is she/he dressed? If they themselves are not wearing very good outfits, but what you see on the manni's look terrific, be warned, what is on the manni's could very well be copied items. 
  2. What are the prices to get in or stay in the game if you buy something? Are they exceedingly high, or very low? Too high or Too low prices could be the Game Masters way of making as much profit as He/She can before they log out. 
  3. What are the prizes? If the Prize is something very new or extremely rare in wooz world, The owner may not really have any intention of giving it up.
  4. How lenient or strict is the owner? If the owner lets you get away with an excessive amount of issues, she/he could be sparing you, only to receive even more of your prized possessions. If the owner is extremely strict or rude, this person could be trying to get you to give up more to them by waving the great prize in your face. 
  5. And last, how close to the end does this owner disappear? If you are in the last few people, and the owner suddenly disappears without saying anything, there is a high probability that they will not be returning. 
Well, That is all I have to say on that, but it has come to attention that I have forgotten to give credit to the maker of my signature picture, or "Sign off" The Editor of my Sign off, wasLibbyloolaloo.

Until Next Time,


1 comment:

  1. Ripoffs usually are seeing that old seeing that humanity. The original trick work was recorded inside Genesis any time Jacob black robbed Esau beyond the birthright by means of disguising himself having a woolen top (his papa was window blind, Jacob black was a "smooth" person and Esau was hairy). Whenever the papa Isaac, who was simply practically window blind, experienced the actual woolen cloak Jacob black provided your pet, he idea it was the more mature close friend Esau and afforded your pet family members gift of money Ryan Eagle Scammer
